I had the opportunity to define the look and feel of the Guinecean. This was a highly iterative process as we found what worked in 2d didn’t translate into something we felt worked in 3d. Eventually we found what we felt was a good balance between their animal lineage and having their humanity come through.
I was responsible for modeling and texturing the base body as well as the armor set seen below.
“By legend, the Guineceans were transformed from their animal forefathers into sentient creatures by Gaea, the Earth Mother, at her moment death. This blessing – the power of logical thought and speech – is known as ‘the Gift’ and is central to the Guinecean philosophy: they embrace each day with hope and wonder, are quick to make friends, and do not offend easily.”

We went through many different body styles and iterations before arriving on the final result. At first we tried making the Guinecean much more animalistic; almost just a guinea pig turned upright. We quickly realized we would have to anthropomorphize them much more than during the concept phase. The result was a series of rough drafts that you can see here as we explored what worked and what didn’t with the Guineceans.
Guincean in game